Arriving in Germany

Arriving in Germany

Really "arriving" and feeling at home in Germany can be difficult. The culture is new and you don't know how things work in Germany yet. In this section you will find general information about Germany, everyday life in Germany and tips for people who have just arrived. Here you will find brochures, mobile apps and links to other sites. All offers here are free of charge and were recommended by people who were also new in Germany at some time in the past.

Make it in Germany

„Make-it-in-Germany" is the federal government's information portal for specialists from abroad. It provides information in four languages (German, English, French, Spanish) about working, studying and living in Germany. Legal questions on immigration are also presented clearly and understandably. Individual advice is provided via hotline, chat, e-mail, Twitter or in Q&A sessions. Interested parties can apply for vacancies directly via the integrated job exchange.

Go to the page in German, English, Spanish, French.

An overview with some brief information is available in

German, English, Spanish, French, Albanian, Arabic, Bosnian, Indonesian, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Turkish and Vietnamese.

"Ankommen" app (Arrival app)

Mobile phone app, designed to make life easier for all immigrants who would like to simplify their "arrival" in Germany. It contains basic information about Germany and the asylum procedure here. Topics such as shopping, language learning and health care are also covered, and the app also offers the opportunity to learn the first words and phrases in German. Available in German, English, Arabic, French and Farsi.

More Information:

Flyer in five languages

Download the app at:

or directly in all app stores.

Daily life in Germany

How do people treat each other in Germany? How do people greet one another? What are the rights of the individual? Can I buy "halal" food? This brochure aims to answer questions that may come up in your everyday life and is a good introduction to everyday culture. Available in 16 languages, including English, French, Turkish, Arabic, Farsi and Tigrinya.

Can be read about at

(the language can be selected on the first page)

Can be downloaded in all languages at:

Welcome to Germany

The brochure of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees provides general information on entering Germany, advice centres, offers for learning German, school-leaving qualifications and many other topics. You will also find many addresses and links to other counselling services.

The brochure is available in the following languages: German, Bulgarian, Farsi, French, Greek, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian and   Spanish.

The German Constitution

The German Constitution defines the so-called fundamental rights. These rights and duties are relevant for all citizens in Germany. However, they also describe how people should behave in society. One example: The fundamental rights include freedom of belief and religion. This gives every human being the right to act out his or her faith without any obstacles, regardless of which religion it is. For this reason, every individual has to accept that other people may have a religion that is not the same as yours. Their religion is also protected by the same right.

The German Constitution has been translated into numerous languages. You can find the full text (without explanations or comments) in the following languages:







Further links:

Federal Office for Migration and Refugees - Welcome to Germany

This page has the purpose of providing initial orientation support in Germany. The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees provides information on many topics. These cover the various residence permits, the education system, access to the labour market, and shopping. The site is available in the following languages: German, English, Turkish, Russian.